my contribution Wairéinga – Leaping Waters I & II I- Digital print and oil sticks Ko nag wai o Aotearoa New Zealand waters not for sale. II.- Intensive dairy farming polluting our waters milk powder • infant formula bobby calves • veal He mea waihanga a ki Aotearoa

bookRampPress 4×3 is an exhibition, a memory-bank, and a game. Conceived and organised by Xavier Meade and John Mandelberg, this project draws on the personal archives of four artist/designers who have been active in creating and collecting politically inspired posters during the past four decades: Chris McBride (Auckland), John Mandelberg (Hamilton), John Phillips (London) and

caraB fotos tomadas en México durante los años 70 por Xavier & Carolyna textos de Reo diseño Xavier

Óptica 2013 caraA fotos de México durante los años 70 tomadas por Xavier & Carolyna textos de Carlos A Meade diseño Xavier

Pūrākau = a Maori term referring to myths, legends and “lessons for life”. Edition of 50 posters, 11 screen-prints and one lithograph, designed and printed in Aotearoa, Cuba & Mexico.

For this print portfolio 20 artists from Australia, Mexico and New Zealand have contributed their interpretation of a myth or legend that has a personal resonance for them, based on fact or fiction, past or present.

Poster collection of ‘liberator/activists’ designed in Aotearoa / New Zealand screen-printed at the ICAIC, Havana, Cuba. 12 posters, edition of 50 numbered and signed by the artists.