The Kauri Poster Series was created in early 2014 as the first of an ongoing series designed to create awareness of the current situation of the Aotearoa|NZ iconic Kauri tree. This poster responds to an invitation to collaborate on the series III, including Waikato artists -Fred Graham, Adrienne Grant, Zena Elliot, James Ormsby and myself.

Urban Parallels, is a type of visual conversation. As brothers, artists and researchers living on opposite sides of the world, Xavier and Reo Meade both find themselves drawn to urban graffiti and poster art as they travel. Urban Parallels brings together photographic images taken by each of them over 5 continents, highlighting their continued

Contemporary Island Cuisine by Colin Chung Book design by Xavier Meade Editorial and Design supervision by Carolyna

my contribution Wairéinga – Leaping Waters I & II I- Digital print and oil sticks Ko nag wai o Aotearoa New Zealand waters not for sale. II.- Intensive dairy farming polluting our waters milk powder • infant formula bobby calves • veal He mea waihanga a ki Aotearoa

bookRampPress 4×3 is an exhibition, a memory-bank, and a game. Conceived and organised by Xavier Meade and John Mandelberg, this project draws on the personal archives of four artist/designers who have been active in creating and collecting politically inspired posters during the past four decades: Chris McBride (Auckland), John Mandelberg (Hamilton), John Phillips (London) and

caraB fotos tomadas en México durante los años 70 por Xavier & Carolyna textos de Reo diseño Xavier

Óptica 2013 caraA fotos de México durante los años 70 tomadas por Xavier & Carolyna textos de Carlos A Meade diseño Xavier